
Seasonal Affective Disorder - Elderly Woman Looking Out Window

Recognize and Manage Seasonal Depression

Winter is here… and with it comes less sunlight and cold, dreary weather. During the winter many of us may experience a sadness that results from a lack of sunshine or the end of the holidays; when these blues persist, however, these “low” feelings can become a problem.

Blog 16- Winter Safety - Photo (Instagram Post)

Winter Safety for Our Aging Loved Ones

As the year comes to a close, the winter months arrive… bringing lower temperatures, and higher risks. These risks affect everyone, but especially older adults. As we go about our daily lives this winter, there are some important things to keep in mind.


Thoughtful Gifts for the Holidays

The pandemic has affected our loved ones in so many ways; this year for the holidays, give gifts that offer a bit of extra comfort and enjoyment. With a little creativity, you can find ways to include your loved ones in festivities or start new traditions to remind them that they are loved.