The progressive nature of dementia means that caregivers experience a series of emotional stages as they witness the gradual decline of their loved one’s cognitive and functional abilities.
dementia and genetics
When it comes to living longer, there are several factors at play. Here’s the big secret, though: the ultimate goal that contributes to achieving longevity is reducing stress. Yep, stress reduction is like an umbrella that covers all the other factors.
As people become older, the amount of help needed often increases. Sometimes, the amount of support needed becomes more than a caregiver can handle, or is capable of providing. It is during these times that it is important to remember that it’s ok to ask for help.
Along with cognitive decline, many individuals living with dementia will develop behavioral and psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, apathy, and delusions, among others. Both non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions can potentially reduce these symptoms.