One can agree that to love and be loved is a magical feeling. People of all ages find joy in romantic relationships. However, these relationships can look different when a partner suffers from dementia or other cognitive disorder.
adult day care
As a caregiver, it’s easy to lose yourself to the endless lists of to-do’s that come with meeting your loved one’s ever-evolving and sometimes overwhelming needs. With the New Year getting under way, we challenge you to take a deep breath and resolve to Live Well, Laugh Often, and Love Much in 2023.
Poor sleep and dementia intertwine – each contributing to the other. Learn more about the interactions between the two and discover some simple changes you can make to address them.
Caring for some of the most vulnerable members of our society requires staff across the board to be mindful and respectful of the uniqueness of each individual.
Research suggest that older adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate physical exercise a week. Achieving this goal is as simple as lacing up your sneakers 5 days a week and heading out for brisk 30-minute walks.
While science doesn’t have all the answers, hundreds of research articles published on the benefits of pet therapy point to the conclusion that it positively impacts quality of life for many people living with dementia.
Whether it’s a hurricane, flooding, or any other natural disaster, there are steps you can take to ensure that you and your loved one with dementia can safely weather the storm. As always, it starts with being prepared.
It happened; you are now a caregiver. It’s okay. Breathe. You are not alone, this path has been walked before, and you will learn to navigate the new space you are in.
Summertime is travel time for many families. Vacations, family reunions, a nice drive for fresh air – so many options for enjoying the outdoors and making memories. But, what if you are caring for someone living with dementia? You can take the trip with your loved one, with just a bit of planning.
Remember searching for a college for yourself or your child? Searching for a college and searching for an assisted living option for your loved one can be quite similar!