JANUARY 1, 2023
As a caregiver, it’s easy to lose yourself to the endless lists of to-do’s that come with meeting your loved one’s ever-evolving and sometimes overwhelming needs. With the New Year getting under way, we challenge you to take a deep breath and resolve to Live Well, Laugh Often, and Love Much in 2023.
Live Well: Take care of yourself. This means finding and accepting help that will support you in getting the sleep, exercise, and mental breaks needed to stay healthy and cope positively while navigating your caregiver journey. Say “yes” to help offered by family and friends; and/or seek out Adult Day Programs, like Winter Growth’s, that will provide an enriching experience for your loved one and consistent respite time for you.
Laugh Often: Find a reason to laugh – especially in the days and moments that are the most difficult. Laughter decreases stress hormones and triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Beyond improving your overall sense of well-being, laughter is also believed to strengthen the immune system – improving your resistance to illnesses.
Love Much: Remember, none of us are perfect. Instead of focusing on perceived mistakes or harshly criticizing yourself when you can’t get everything done, take time each day to recognize and appreciate all the good that you do. You are making a very real difference, you are loved, and you are, quite simply, enough.
Wishing you and your families a joy-filled New Year!
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Winter Growth’s founder dreamed of creating a community where seniors and adults with disabilities could continue to learn and grow – filling their lives with joy and purpose. For over 40 years, we have fulfilled her vision by providing unique, affordable Assisted Living/Memory Care and Adult Medical Day Care tailored to our clients’ individual abilities, interests, and lives.